Iman Tajik
Under One Sky
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Under One Sky
بنیآدم اعضای یک پیکرند که در آفرينش ز یک گوهرند
Human beings are members of a whole, since in their creation they are of one essence.
Saadi Shirazi
Slow Marathon 2020: Under One Sky
A pan-global walk with Iman Tajik
When the world was hit by Covid-19 and its communal restrictions in the summer of 2020, Iman Tajik invited us to come together through daily saunters and ambles to walk jointly around the globe. Together we walked the distance of 40,075 km or 24,901 miles around the circumference of our planet, crossing many borders, mountains, deserts, cities and oceans - always under one sky. Every mile and every kilometre was counted, from circumnavigating our own room right up to walking a full marathon in a day. Over
a period of three months, from June to August
In 2020, 320 people from 36 countries took part in this collaborative walk of solidarity.
As well as gathering km/miles people took photos of the sky above their heads from their walks. Some 1500 photos were offered, skilfully assembled by the artist Iman Tajik into one beautiful sky. Amongst the many skies framed within this work, one black tile represents the hindered outlook of the refugee detainees that
we raised awareness for. The surrounding images of clouds, sun, blueness and grey sit around the dark view in acts of support and openness, hoping that one day all of us can experience our one sky equally and fairly.
Participants logged their mileage on Deveron Projects’ website and shared their thoughts and feelings about how each walk related to their own life and the wider world on a dedicated global community Facebook page @SlowMarathonUnderOneSky.
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